
Graduate Showcase
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Your Vision, Our World

Charlotte Stephenson, Project Environmental Scientist

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Charlotte is a Project Environmental Scientist in our London Office who, since joining, has been producing land quality assessments for new developments in a wide range of sectors including residential, commercial, industrial, schools and hospitals. This includes designing, procuring and supervising ground investigations and producing Tier 1 and Tier 2 contamination assessments, detailed ground gas and groundwater risk assessments, remediation specifications and verification reports.

What do you like about working at CampbellReith?

When I finished University, I struggled to not only secure a Graduate position but to even be offered any work experience. CampbellReith responded positively to my request for experience and offered me an initial three-month placement which was very enjoyable and led to my current role.

Throughout my time at CampbellReith, I have always been offered support to continue my learning, opportunity to be involved in the business and assisted with general career progression. Since I joined, I have seen a number of student placements, whether it be for few days or weeks, across the business and I think it is fantastic that CampbellReith invest time and resource encouraging young people to progress within the fields of science and engineering.

An added benefit, which I had not initially anticipated, is that I have been encouraged to become involved in other aspects of the business, including being an IMS Auditor, part of the Internal Engagement Committee and involvement in Health and Safety / CHAS Accreditation. This is allowing me to develop broader commercial and professional skills alongside my technical training.

Rhys joined CampbellReith in 2018, following the completion of his MSc in Applied GIS and Remote Sensing at the University of Southampton, as part of the Land Quality team as a GIS Analyst. Since joining, he has been involved in the production of figures and spatial analysis across all disciplines in the company, from Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment in the Land Quality team to cut and fill calculations for the Civils team.

What do you enjoy about your work?

While no two jobs are exactly the same, many can be similar and follow the same methodology to achieve the required results. So, when complex jobs that require innovative thinking and more complicated methodologies present themselves, I enjoy applying myself to complete these tasks. I also enjoy the opportunities they provide to further my learning and expand my skillset. Another added benefit is the variability of my day-to-day work; I work with closely with most disciplines in the company, so I can be working on very different projects on a daily basis.

Are there any particularly interesting projects you have worked on?

One of the projects I have found interesting is Tanyard Lane, where historical site uses resulted in contamination to the groundwater on site with chlorinated solvents. To understand the site conditions, ground investigation and vapour monitoring was undertaken. Using this data, I was then able to produce a range of sections and spatial distribution figures to convey the results in an easily digestible visual format for the client and residents.

Rhys Francis, GIS Analyst

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Maritta Elias, Project Geotechnical Engineer

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Maritta joined CampbellReith in 2020 after achieving a Masters in Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology at Imperial College London. She is a Project Geotechnical Engineer in the geotechnical team.

Why does a career in Engineering appeal to you?

Geotechnical Engineering is important because it helps prevent complications before they happen. Without the advanced calculations and testing, buildings could see significant damage after an earthquake, slope stability shifting, ongoing settlement, or other effects.

Geotechnical Engineers should be brought on during the early planning stages of any construction project; doing so will identify and mitigate potential geotechnical hazards. I find it rewarding to be part of a team that takes on complex challenges and successfully identifies and implements solutions to geotechnical hazards. It is fulfilling to be part of a dynamic and vital field that is constantly evolving.

What attracted you to CampbellReith? What do you like about working at CampbellReith?

What attracted me to CampbellReith is the commitment to innovation and sustainability. The projects that CampbellReith undertake have impressed me with the forward-thinking approach and dedication to environmental responsibility.

I enjoy working at CampbellReith as it truly values and promotes diversity, collaboration and inclusion. It is so inspiring to be part of an organization that actively strives to create a workplace where everyone feels respected, included, and empowered to succeed.

Since the start of my employment at CampbellReith I have been consistently encouraged to learn new things and supported every step of the way. I got the opportunity to be involved in the different aspects of the business which have assisted in my career progression towards chartership.

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