

Delivering Better Water Management: the latest publication from CIRIA

After two years of collaboration with industry leaders, CIRIA has launched "Delivering better water management through the planning system."

28 November 2019

After two years of collaboration with industry leaders, geology and integrated water management experts Peter Bide and Andrew Coleman, as well as planning teams across a number of council bodies, CIRIA has launched its latest publication – Delivering better water management through the planning system.

The publication focuses on the importance of Integrated Water Management when planning for water usage and protection. Vital for good town planning, integrated water management will ensure our towns and cities are greener, healthier and more resistant to climate change.  The key issues considered are around planning, surface water drainage and flooding, water supply and sewerage. The six sections within the publication give case studies and good examples as real-life evidence, to support those planning.

As part of the steering group and project funders, we are proud of what has been achieved. Please do download the document here, and let us know your thoughts.