

Reinforcing our commitment to high level environmental consultancy services

9 January 2017

The National Quality Mark Scheme for Land affected by Contamination (NQMS) was launched on 9th January 2017 and CampbellReith is proud to announce that James Clay and Simon Burr, Environmental Partner and Associate respectively, will be part of their Qualified Persons Register.

The NQMS has been developed by the Land Forum to provide visible identification of documents that have been checked for quality by a Suitably Qualified and experienced Person (SQP).

In providing a “Quality Mark” to reports setting out land contamination management work the aim is to provide assurances to problem holders and regulators alike that such issues have been adequately managed. This should help speed up respective regulatory permissions or decisions on regulatory compliance resulting in savings to both public and private sector participants.

The scheme seeks to ensure that all legislative requirements connected to the management of land contamination have been met. Documentation that meets the scheme requirements should ensure that regulatory intervention to protect both the public and the environment under the Planning, Part 2A or Environmental Permitting regimes is highly unlikely.

Simon Burr and James Clay have qualified as SQPs underlining CampbellReith’s ongoing commitment to quality environmental consultancy services.

Click here for more information about NQMS for Contaminated Land Management.