

CampbellReith Shortlisted For A Ground Engineering Award

12 February 2014

CampbellReith has been selected as a finalist in the Sustainability Award Category for the prestigious Ground Engineering awards this year for its work on the Tipner East Remediation Project.

Tipner East has had a long industrial history: it comprised the Stamshaw Chemical (tar distillery) Works and former MoD landfill.

CampbellReith was appointed to take forward the remediation of this 4.5 ha contaminated land in Portsmouth.

The team of engineers assessed the site and developed a remediation strategy that would be acceptable to the local community and to Portsmouth City Council.

CampbellReith assisted in the preparation of the environmental statement and provided support throughout the planning process.

The Ground Engineering awards recognise excellence in design, construction and project delivery. The practice is pleased to have been shortlisted in such a highly competitive category, with a record number of entries this year. The Awards Ceremony will be held on the 14th May 2014.