

Business Continuity Statement – COVID-19

The Partners at CampbellReith are continuing to monitor the impact of COVID-19 and will continue to provide regular updates.

17 March 2020

The Partners at CampbellReith are continuing to closely monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to provide regular updates to our clients, industry partners and our staff members. We hold our responsibility to the health and well-being of our staff, teams, clients and the communities with whom we work, at the highest level of importance. We have established a set of measures to assist in minimising the risk of exposure whilst ensuring that we can continue to provide the same level of service and responsiveness.

All of our offices are now closed and all of our staff are working remotely. CampbellReith has in place a tried and tested remote working facility for all staff, that allows full access to our files, systems, software and the central processing power of our servers.  We have recently upgraded these systems to allow all staff to access the systems simultaneously. Where individuals need additional technology to support their role, we have adopted additional measures to ensure ongoing productivity. We have also provided Line Managers with guidance to enable them to support home working teams.

Our phone lines remain open. We are attending all meetings as normal through collaborative software including Teams, Zoom, Skype and Webex and via conference calls. Many of our team members already have experience of working in this way and we are confident that this transition will be a smooth one,

Current Government advice is that everyone should work from home where possible and that whilst travel for work is still permitted, this should only be carried out when absolutely necessary. To assist in minimising the spread of the virus, we are only conducting site visits and inspections where critical. Staff visiting sites are being advised to avoid the use of public transport where possible, adhere to social distancing guidelines and observe good personal hygiene (handwashing, antibacterial gel, etc) at all times. Any staff member that is in a vulnerable group, or who is living with anyone in a vulnerable group is being advised not to attend site visits or inspections.

At this point, we do not envisage any significant supply chain risks in association with COVID-19 and we continue to have the capacity to service our clients effectively.