Case studies

Coypool Park, Plymouth

The brownfield site will be redeveloped for up to 550 new homes, community facilities and 11.5 hectares of woodland.

Client: Homes England

Project value: £105m

Project start and end date: July 2018 - ongoing

Project Manager: CampbellReith

Urban Designer: LDA Design

The brownfield site will be redeveloped for up to 550 new homes, community facilities and 11.5 hectares of woodland.

The site at Marsh Mills, Plymouth is a prime example of a former China Clay Drying Works, which began processing China Clay that was quarried from Dartmoor for over hundred years until recently ceasing operations and being brought forward for redevelopment. 

The proposed development seeks to comprehensively redevelop the former China Clay dryer complex and bring the built form and the landscape together through a comprehensive and integrated development framework. It will be composed of the following:

  • Up to 490 residential units on 11ha, an additional older person’s scheme (60 units) with community provision comprising retail, community space and a nursery
  • Primary vehicular access to the proposed development will be provided via Coypool Road to the south of the site
  • Hard and soft landscaping, including a variety of open space types, integrated green infrastructure and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS); and 
  • New access and infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. 

Given the constrained nature of the surrounding road network and the limited scope for additional vehicular access points, CampbellReith had to work closely with Plymouth City Council and Highways England to try and find a transport planning solution to help mitigate the likely impact of new development. This resulted in a comprehensive package of sustainable travel measures being promoted through the Residential Travel Plan, including a diverted bus service into the site, Electric Vehicle Charging plus direct and convenient pedestrian and cycle linkages. 

With regard to vehicular traffic, CampbellReith were required to undertake extensive traffic modelling of the Plymouth Road Corridor which involved a LinSig Network model, comprising of seven individual junctions. This was used to understand the impact of the development traffic on the already congested network.

Through a series of iterations and intelligent traffic solutions, a package of network improvement measures was proposed to help mitigate the development which included off-site junction highway works to help increase capacity. 

Having formally submitted the Transport Assessment, Highway Access Drawing and Residential Travel Plan, CampbellReith are continuing to work with the City Council and Highways England with regard to suitable trigger points and S106 negotiations.

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Highways and Transportation

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