Case studies

Carpenters Estate Regeneration, Stratford, East London

CampbellReith was commissioned by Populo Living to provide a range of environmental assessment and engineering services in support of a planning application for the Carpenters Estate in Stratford. 

Client name: London Borough of Newham and Populo Living

Project value: £500m

CampbellReith was commissioned by Populo Living to provide a range of environmental assessment and engineering services in support of an outline planning application for the regeneration of the Carpenters Estate in Stratford.  In addition to the outline planning application, the project has also included a detailed planning application for the refurbishment of an existing tower block within the Carpenters Estate and provision of replacement community land uses.

The 10 hectare site has undergone significant development since the late 1800’s and has remained developed until the present day, with changes in internal layouts and uses through this period, but with a mainly residential focus in the centre and commercial / industrial works units around the boundary.  Current residential development within the site comprises three tall tower blocks, with the remainder of the accommodation being principally within two and three storey terraces or small blocks.  The site is set within a context of Stratford High Street to the east, rail corridors to the north and west and the Waterworks River to the south.  West of the rail corridor is the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

GIS has been used to develop the proposed road layout, including carriageway dimensions and various parking/servicing options as the wider masterplan has evolved. GIS was preferable to CAD in this use because of the speed that different options could be drafted. Walking and cycling isochrones along with movement summaries and access and construction sequencing plans were created to help inform the transport assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment. Through the traffic modelling, GIS, plans were produced to visualise how the junctions around the site will be affected by the proposed development. Proposed construction traffic access and egress routes have also been developed within GIS for both the initial phase of the works and for the full site.

GIS has also been used to support other CampbellReith disciplines, including visualising flood risk for the flood risk assessment and presentation of the proposed surface water drainage strategy; mapping the distribution of asbestos and contamination exceedances from on-site ground investigations for the Land Quality Statement and identifying cumulative assessments sites for the Environmental Impact Assessment.

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Hannah Smith



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