Having recently graduated from the University of Portsmouth, I am so delighted to be working as part of the civil engineering team at CampbellReith. Throughout my time at university, I was taught the basics of civil engineering, alongside the theories behind civil engineering projects. Whereas, at CampbellReith I am able to take that knowledge and apply it to real engineering projects, while cooperating as part of a team.
Studying at University has made me realise that the conceptual stage of a project can be very different to the final stage of a project. However, I only experienced the development of projects while working with CampbellReith, as I was shown and guided through various different projects while noticing the benefits of these projects on the people in that area. While benefitting the people of a particular area is positive, CampbellReith also focuses on the sustainability of their projects which is a key issue within the civil engineering industry.
Outside of engineering
In my spare time I practice my martial arts, while volunteering as a teacher for martial arts. Teaching children how to defend themselves while developing their confidence helps take my mind off other aspects of life. I also enjoy swimming as a way of relaxing.